[FanFic] THE EVIL PRINCE part 23

Hey, and so the long wait is finally over.^^ Still want to know what happened after G-Ballz event? Then read here^^


As Dara looked around, it finally dawned on her. IT seems like someone tried to prepare an event in this hall..but miserably failed. The lights were dangling here and there as well as the other paper props. Rose petals were scattered on the floor…supposedly..but it seems that a strong wind blew all the rose petals off one corner of the hall.

In the middle of the hall, a table was set with two chairs and lighted candles in the middle. IT would’ve been perfectly romantic, except that the candles and candleholder looks like the ones used during medieval times. Plus there are no wine or any food on the table. Oh no, wait! There IS food on the table. There are 2 rice crackers set on each side of the table.

GD: Oh my Gosh! OH MY GOSH!!! This is PATHETIC!!!

Dara looked at GD. This is getting weirder and weirder every minute.

GD: Uhmmm, let’s…sit..

GD pulled out Dara’s chair but before Dara sat, she gave him that look again. She looks at him as if she’s going to call the cops. Wellllllll, what can he expect. This whole G-Ballz event deserves its name. This is by far the most epic failure amongst all his failures combined.

Dara and GD sat in silence. The word ‘AWKWARD’ is hanging on the air.

<*crickets crickets>


GD: Gahd!!! This is going to give me nightmares. 4l0rvk.png

Yup GD, you need to think of rainbows and kittens before you can sleep tonight.


GD’s brain seemed to be permanently set on ‘hibernate’ mode.

So far, G-Ballz event is proving to be a total disaster. At first, it seemed nothing could stand in the way of his brilliant plan. But tonight, it has effed up on so many levels.

GD: Can this be any more humiliating??!

Then out of nowhere, a GIGANTIC hairy spider fell on GD’s head. Dara got the shock of her life, so did GD. Holy fcking smokes!!! HE fcking HATE SPIDERS!!!

Dara and GD are completely freaking out while running in circles trying to get the big spider off GD’s head. Fat chance. You do know spiders have eight legs, right? Mr. Spidey held on to GD’s hair and won’t let go no matter how hard he head bangs.

GD is doing the most bizarre things to get it off but to no avail. He is already flailing his arms like a mad man while running around, screaming wildly like a little girl. Yes, in front of Dara. G to the D is scared sh!tless because of a spider and is screaming his lungs out IN FRONT of Dara.

Unknown to Dara and GD, the rest of the Big Bang are just hiding at the nooks and corners of the hall.

Daesung: This is like watching World’s Most Amazing Videos!

YB: Somebody please help him! This is turning out to be an ultimate catastrophe!

Seungri: Are you kidding me? I am ENJOYING every second of this! Hyung, keep on recording! That video will prove to be beneficial for our future blackmailing purposes! ph34r.gif

TOP: Yah! You are so getting good at this! <*proud evil master>

Seungri: What good is a leader if you can’t take advantage of him? <*proud evil apprentice>

TOP: I shall use this to humiliate Jiyong for the REST of his life! Ho ho ho!!! <*evil laugh> 24csbnl.png

Once again, GD is a heartbeat away from a full blown anxiety attack. Fortunately, the spider lost interest in him and jumped off somewhere else.


Dara: Yah! Will you stop screaming like there’s no tomorrow!

GD: Who cares about tomorrow! That FCKING SPIDER almost killed me!!! And you were screaming too!

Dara: I AM supposed to scream! I’m a girl! You’re NOT!


GD: Hu hu hu! This is turning out to be the worst confession EVER!

GD and Dara are sitting again facing each other, with the poor rice cracker in front of them…

GD: Now what?

TOP: Jiyong, now what? Stop sitting like a statue.. <*whisper>

GD and Dara just sat there motionless. Finally, Dara moved – grabbing the rice cracker in front of her and munching it while chuckling.

GD: Ehermm….Why are you laughing?

Dara: Well..were you the one who set up this…event?? <*giggles>

GD: Huh??!!

GD: Uh-oh! I’m gonna deny it. I am going to DENY it! This event is humiliating!

GD: NooOOooo…TOP hyung just asked me to come here and bring you with me. I TOTALLY have no idea what’s going on. mellow.gif

<TOP, who was just hiding, almost choked>

Dara: Come on. Admit it!

GD: I said NO! Do you think I will plan something moronic like this?!!

Dara: Kwon Jiyonggg.. <*warning tone>

GD: What?! I said I didn’t plan this! I don’t know what TOP hyung is up to!

Dara: Really? He set up all this? And he put our names on the door…and on the ceiling??

GD looked up. True enough and saw the props they made plastered on the ceiling – it was a humongous paper cutout with glitters with the names GD ❤ Dara. GD shut his eyes in frustration. It was a riveting piece of sh!t. Every props they made look CHEAP because of this haunted building!

GD and Dara looked around and saw the hanging small lights that are all turned off and other props plastered on the wall. It was indeed a horrible sight. Dara looked at the two gargoyle statues.. The pictures of Dara and GD were pasted on the gargoyle’s faces. Now it looks like a statue with a gargoyle body and with DAra/GD head. Plain awesome.

Dara: Were you also the one who thought about that? <*points at the gargoyles> I swear, THAT thing is gonna scare people.

GD: ARe you freaking kidding me? I wouldn’t go near that damn thing! I told you I didn’t plan this! I’ll certainly talk to TOP hyung, don’t worry!

Dara: Ok then, can we just go home now? You can’t contact TOP so let’s leave.

TOP: Great job not being emotionally attached to doing something stupid! And the lies! Even using me to deny you were behind all these?? How would you confess now you stupid piece?!! <*whisper>

YB: I got a really bad feeling about this. <*whisper>

Daesung: Seungri, why didn’t you turn on the Christmas lights that we set up? It would’ve been nice.

Seungri: I did turn it on but I guess all the lights are busted.

When Dara was about to stand up, Jiyong panicked. He needs to do this now. He feels like this is his only chance to let it all out.

GD: WAit!

Dara looked at GD and sat back. She is staring at Jiyong with a ‘this-better-be-good’ expression written on her face. Dara is really getting irritated. She is sooo tired and just wanna go home! She can even hear her bed calling her. Dara raised her eyebrow while eyeing GD.

Dara: What???

GD: ErrrmM..

Unfortunately, Jiyong’s mind went completely blank. He doesn’t know where to start, he doesn’t know what to say. GD is now officially operating using 2 brain cells.

GD: DAra…do you know that you’re exceptionally dense. And that you are so gullible even a 6-year-old can convince you. Your habitual craziness and carelessness drives me insane..You always do these stupid faces in front of a camera..

GD continued to enumerate DAra’s weak points and shortcomings. DAra is turning red.

TOP: OH..MY…GAHDD….<*shocked>

Seungri: His mouth is like a blackhole of idiotness. <*shakes his head>

Daesung: I see tragic doom written all over this.<*closes his eyes>

YB: Is this REALLY a confession??!! My goodness! He is plainly criticizing her!

GD:…whenever I try to tell you something, somehow you always manage to get it slightly wrong. You are already 25 years old but CL is more mature than you most of the time. You are so clumsy.. You are..

Dara: Awesome. Plain awesome. Rub it in some more. It’s not like I’m bleeding because of EXTREME embarrassment <*sarcasm overload>

YB: Tell me you didn’t see this coming.

TOP: Are you kidding me?! This is ridiculous! Why would you tell the girl that you love all the things that she doesn’t wanna hear?!

Seungri: Unbelievable!

Daesung: OMG! Just shut up Jiyong hyung! blink.gif

GD continues to criticize Dara. Meanwhile, the props that the Big Bang set up started to fall one by one.


Daesung: I can’t look, I can’t look! This is a total disaster!

Seungri: Even the forces of nature are against them!

YB: Holy smokes!! Everything is falling apart!

TOP: I literally cannot make this any more exciting than this…

Everything up to this point had been incredibly screwed up.


GD is hella crazy. Every word coming out of his mouth is a negative comment about Dara, oblivious to the falling props around them.

Dara: Ok, stop right there Kwon Jiyong! I can’t believe you called me here just to criticize me!

GD: And..and..not only that..blah blah blah

As GD continues to beat around the bush, Dara let out a very heavy sigh..

Dara: You’re not gonna stop, are you?

Dara: He has gone MENTAL!

GD: I guess what I’m saying is..eventhough you have a lot of shortcomings…


GD: I..

Dara: Kwon Jiyong, you are seriously ill!

GD: ..LOVE..

Dara: Now you’re talking about love??? You have got to see a doctor!

Dara’s expression is ‘WHAT THE HELL is HE talking about???’ She is really confused.

Meanwhile, the Big Bang boys are stopping TOP from throwing the sledgehammer on GD’s direction.

TOP: Just be a man and say it!!

DAra and GD are just staring at each other from opposite ends of the table. Finally, GD said it!!

GD: I love you….


<*crickets crickets>

<*insert Twilight Zone theme song here>

GD: ….noona.. unsure.gif

Dara bursted out laughing.

Dara: That was the first time I heard it! Muwahhahaha!!

GD: Well, excussssee mee..This is my first time confessing so of course it’s gonna be your first time hearing ‘I love you’ from me!!

Dara: No, not that..You suddenly called me noona! Hahahahaha! Are you that scared?!

GD: Okayyy, I take it back…hmph~!!

Dara continued laughing. Then suddenly, she fell silent. Jiyong confessed to her!! He said he loves her! OH EFFING HELL!! Dara’s stomach is tied up in knots. He looked at GD with a bewildered expression. Did he really say it or her mind is just playing tricks on her?

Dara: Jiyong, what..what did you just say?

GD: ‘I take it back’? I was just kidding, why do you look confused?

Dara: No before that…

GD: Noona?

Dara: No.. before that.

GD smiled. Dara really looks cute. It took her a few minutes to absorb the confession. Her brain is really something.

GD: I just confessed to you, didn’t I?

Dara: Confessed??

GD: I said I love you. dry.gif

Dara: ME?? blink.gif

GD: Yes.

Dara: Nooo…

GD: Yes

Dara: No

GD: YES!! Dammit!! angry.gif

Dara’s eyes grew wide with shock.

Dara: Oh sh!t! He IS serious!!! I think I’m gonna faint….

As if on cue, the lights that Seungri set up suddenly switched on. They are not broken after all. The lights are dangling from the ceiling and surrounding the dining area like little stars. Then the wind blew and the rose petals that were hovering on the corner were showered on both Dara and GD. From the open window facing the garden, a couple of butterflies flew inside and a few of them even landed on the table. Jiyong smiled at Dara while Dara’s mouth opens in silence as she marvels the moment before her.

Meanwhile, the Big Bang boys are covering each other’s mouth trying not to scream with joy. Mighty score for the Kwon Leadah! Hoo-ha!


TOP turned on the portable CD player they brought and a sweet music filled the air. GD almost laughed when he heard the music since this only means that the four idiots are just lurking nearby.

GD: I guess we should dance..

Dara is still in a trance as Jiyong stood up and grabbed her hand, leading her to the large common room in front of the fireplace. Dara gently placed her hands on Jiyong shoulders but GD pulled her closer. Her face is resting on GD’s chest while her arms are linked behind GD’s neck. Jiyong circles his arms around Dara’s waist. IT’s more of hugging each other instead of just dancing sweetly. Dara can hear GD’s heartbeat while GD smells her hair.

Dara: Yah! You haven’t heard my answer yet! Hmph!

GD laughed as she pulled away from Dara and looks her in the eyes. He knew this was coming. As expected, Dara will try to bail out.

GD: Oh yeah? Let’s hear it then.

GD stared Dara down. Dara tried to hold her stance and stared back at GD. She has to say NO! Heaven help her! The 3-year agreement, Yang Hyun Suk, 2NE1 girls..These are all going through her head…GD continued to look directly at Dara. Finally, Dara turned away from his gaze with slumped shoulders – utterly defeated.

Dara: Damn it! Why did I fall for you, you monster!

GD shot his right fist in the air in success!

GD: Woohooo!!! Yah, say you love me too! I wanna hear it! Please!! <*puppy eyes>

Dara: You love me too.

GD: No no, say ‘I love you’!

Dara: I love..<*smiles>…me..

GD: Dara!!!! <*stomps feet>

Dara: I love…<*serious serious>

GD: <*anticipation anticipation>

Dara:..dried mangoes..

GD: <*silence>

Dara: I love you too.

GD screamed in delight and hugged Dara.

GD: WooHHOOO!!! I’m gonna be a father!!

Dara was mortified!

Dara: YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GD: Kekekekeke.Just practicing <*wink>

Dara fell silent as she remembered the 3-year agreement they made with YG.

GD: Hey, if you’re thinking about the agreement with Hyun SUk Hyung, don’t worry. As long as we keep our relationship a secret, everything’s gonna be fine.

Dara: It’s not as easy as that Jiyong.

GD: I know. I’ve given it a lot of thought before this. I promise you our relationship will not interfere with our careers. I mean, that’s what’s the agreement is all about in the first place.

Dara: But..I’m still scared.

GD: Of what?

Dara: Jiyong, whenever we’re together, it’s chaos.

GD: From your point of view it may seem that way. But from my viewpoint, it’s different. What we have is something special. Yes, there are a lot of chaos, but don’t you think life is just one chaos after another?

Dara: I’m scared that we can’t control what will happen if people find out..

GD pulled Dara closer again while looking at her eyes. He brushes the strands of hair that fell on her face and placed his thumb on her forehead – straightening the creases that formed due to worrying.

GD: I know, we can’t control everything.. Just like what happened tonight. But tonight turned out to be….pretty amazing..

GD is closing the gap between their faces. Dara can hear her heartbeat in perfect harmony with Jiyong’s. She can feel GD’s warm breath on her face, targeting her lips.

Dara: Jiyong, being your girlfriend in secret we can only meet at certain times and at certain places. Doesn’t that make our world pretty small?

GD: It doesn’t matter. As long as you’re part of it.

Jiyong claimed her lips and that shuts her up. She felt his probing tongue as they shared a passionate kiss while the music kept on playing, while the rose petals were again carrried by the wind, while the butterflies flew..


The props continue to fall one after another. But that didn’t stop the two from enjoying every chaotic moment together.

Who would’ve thought that something beautiful can come out from this total mess?


The hidden Big Bang members are having a ball. TOP continued to film GD and Dara while YB, Daesung and Seungri high-fived! Then….they saw someone outside of the window that drove the four of them completely insane..It was YG!! Good Heavens!!

Daesung: Uh-oh. Oh NOOOOO!!!!

Seungri: Let’s kill him!! NOW!!

YB: I’m pretty sure THAT will put us in the mortal sin territory.

Seungri: Who cares?! If he finds out that we are in this together, We are all going to hell.

Daesung: You’re crazy!

TOP: You know what, if things go out of control, I’m running like a horse from hell. I pray y’all can keep up.

YB: What?!! It was your idea to do this nastiness!

While GD and Dara are still savoring their marvelous moment together, it’s a whole different story for the four accessories to the crime.

The Big Bang members continued bickering, while trying to decide what course of actions they need to take. But when YG was about to open the door, a sudden decision has been made.

Big Bang went out of their hiding place in full chaos, ready to knock YG dead!

Enjoy reading! Huntress thank you very much for sharing this wonderful fic! Its really great.

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  1. Trackback: The Evil Prince [Chapter 23] : The Disastrous Confession of The Century | DaraGonIndonesia

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