I’ve received a number of messages singing praises for the author named PINKEMERALD which made me really curious. And so, detective me went ninja mode on Asianfanfics to know more about the PINKEMERALD. (Hey, she’s famous!)  I found out that her fic, Sugar, Spies and Everything Nice was featured on Asianfanfics (woot!^^). Well, the truth is I have only read one of her fics (/killme), it’s called Fire and Ice (and I loved it! a lot!^^).

So today, I’ll be featuring Pinkemerald’s fics (yes all of them :D) and maybe give you a little something that I know on most of them. I know I wouldn’t be of much help because I only read one of her works and only five chapters of another, so I’d like to ask you, if you have read her stories please help me and the other readers by giving reviews. I’d really appreciate that and I will start reading her fics after this post so I can update you guys. (I’m so sorry. you can brick me now). More


It’s fanfic time!!!^^ I’d like to thank daragontamtam for the heads up ❤

Huntress has decided to give us a new romance-comedy story (gaah why is she so good at this genre? I’m jealous! haha:D). This time the story isn’t about celebrity G-Dragon, it actually is one of a GDfangirl fantasy, it’s about a gangster G-Dragon (ermm, no, MOBSTER actually. he’s on a higher level).

The story starts with an office girl having a boyfriend dilemma, no she isn’t heartbroken or anything, her actual dilemma is the boyfriend itself because there is no boyfriend. Her bestfriend told the whole company that she’ll bring her ‘boyfriend’ on the coming company party and here starts the dilemma. So what would a girl do to solve this problem?

*lightbulb* HIRE a boyfriend. Seems like a pretty good idea huh? But what if you hired the wrong guy? What if, you actually hired a mobster for a boyfriend?

Oh things are going to be messy alright(and definitely fun!). Let Huntress carry you to the underworld and experience romance first hand with flying fists and kicks. Mobster For Rent would definitely have you laughing so hard while your hearts are thumping wildly with giddiness. Not only that, Mobster For Rent would also make your heart drop and stop beating because of the fight scenes that would make you so tense, you wouldn’t know that you held your breath in until it’s over.

It’s a very promising story I’d (and daragontamtam too) love to recommend to all of you. No chapter  preview for this but I’ll leave you all with the fic trailer.  I hope you’d enjoy reading this as much as I do. 🙂

FanFic Trailer made by: Kaorishae

You must all be asking why it’s a fangirl fantasy, well Jiyong looking all mighty handsome and powerful in a suit while kicking someone’s butt is definitely a fangirl’s fantasy. Who has never imagined Jiyong being all badass while sending kicks and punches? Come on, admit it, you once imagined him as a MAFIA BAUS right?:DDD

Read the story and please drop lots and lots of love to Huntress. The story is here.



Last December 3 and 4, YGE celebrated their 15th annniversary, yes everyone that’s 15 years of awesome music^^ .

I say, this is the best and most epic YGFAMCON ever. Although I wasn’t there to witness the concert myself, our friends from WeLoveDara, BBVIP, BBUpdates, OMG and a lot more shared with us live updates through Twitter. And from them, I was informed of what was happening in the concert, who was performing, who were collaborating and how loud the fans cheers were. Also through their live updates I actually figured out that this year’s YGFAMCON was the best, not only because BigBang, 2NE1, Gummy, Se7en, Psy, JinuSean and maknae Tablo were there but also because they had the most amazing collaborations ever!

So here are the videos from YGFAMCON11. More


Hello everyone, how are you all?

I just want to say thank you very much for the constant visits, 100k + views! Thank you very very very much <333


Anyway, today I will be featuring a fanfic made by Ryojikari. ^^ A week ago, I received a comment saying I should check this story out and have it featured in my blog (Thank you so much Sunflowery). I almost refused it because when I first read it, it somehow reminded me of that sparkling vampire with abs when he goes out in the sun. But I was slapped hard by reality when I clicked next which brought me to the succeeding chapters and well, I was laughing my butt off.  This story may be the typical bad boy-good girl tandem but hey it’s got that perfect twist that makes it different.

It would make you laugh and feel giddy on the inside while you read good girl’s thoughts (not so good girl, i think haha) and pervy bad boy’s lines. It’s sprinkled with craziness that would make you crave for more. So, I am definitely recommending this one to all who wants to have a good laugh.^^ Oh, but it’s also rated so minors you know what to do right? Read but skip the rated parts— err, I mean read when you turn 18! haha

Okay, here’s Ryo’s Forward for Affairs with the DEVIL More


There are stories that would make a person laugh, smile, blush and cry while reading and this story written by Queenofthebangs is no exception. But then let me warn you…

Nope, it’s not rated. It’s for everyone above the age of 13 but this fic made me cry a bucket of tears so my warning is: Prepare your heart to break a million times and bring a lot of tissue. Don’t read at night (like me) to prevent puffy eyes in the morning.

Anyway, going back to the story, I really really really love how this was written, it’s still ongoing though. On it’s 50+ chapter. (I envy her for updating that fast.) The story features Jiyong, Dara, Nichkhun and Yoona. You’d be amazed at how the twists would make you crave for more. Apparently, you’d get a little conflicted here, you would really ask yourself on who to root for, Daragon or Khundara? As to why? We’ll that’s for you to find out.

No previews for this one though, let me just link you to the story. And please don’t forget to drop some love.


Here’s another story I really like, Like A Boy is written by ouley29. A story of a guy neglecting her girl and doing his thing without thinking about her. (This was inspired by Ciara’s song Like a Boy) And so girl made a plan on how to get even with him by acting like a boy. It’s a nice story and like I said I really like it since it caught my attention from the start. This story is for everyone to read. Hope you’ll like it as well.^^  More


Year of the Tiger had just bid us goodbye leaving us with a year full of spazzy Daragon encounters especially during the last month of the year. And we’ve just welcomed the year of the Rabbit with a bang from our dorky couple. Now, who wouldn’t have a wonderful year ahead when your OTP does something like this to celebrate new year with you?

Bonus: our S(sun)Tokki

Everyone, happy new year to all of you! Cheers to more Daragon filled year this Year of the (Ssan)Tokki!

I was screaming like crazy while watching that past 10-15 minutes after midnight. It was really the best way to welcome the new year. Look at how Ji giddily smiles at Dara while she’s doing her crazy dance. Those two were just so hyper!

Keep supporting YG Family! and keep protecting Daragon! ❤


And here’s a fic for all ages. 😀

The Witches of 21st Street is written by Ker, a member of YGL. It is a story of four girls (Dara, Bom, CL, Minzy) whose past will be revealed as the story goes on. It will tackle the issues as to how four lovely witches turned gloomy out of love. It’s a wonderful story and is in Seungri’s point of view. Since I don’t want to spoil the stories… I’ll just give the Foreword. Forgive me…

Everybody knows the witches of 21st street.

But do they know the hidden tales about them?

The wicked past that haunts them to this very day?

Come and see what great adventure lies ahead.

And be careful! Because you might just fall for their spell…


You should read this! I recommend it to you all.^^

You can read the complete version in YGL if you have an acct there^^… Never forget to give love to the writer…^^



To be honest, I miss Hago’s work but I must admit that I am guilty for not reading her latest fics. I guess I’m too busy but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you guys suffer. Teehee^^, yes I am here to present to you Hago’s latest creations.

Why creations? Because there’s two of ’em! Yeah, it’s true and I’m giving you Unmask. This, according to our legendary writer is a bit darker. Have you read the last chapter of Stubborn Hearts? Just like the last chapter of SH, Unmask is an R fic as well.

So minors, please wait till you’re at the right age to read this okay? I’ll give you her other fic to read^^.

And trivia… It’s Hago’s first time to make a rated fic.

Okay, this is getting longer, I’m going to give you the first chapter but I suggest you read the forewords as well. More


Are you a fan of SS501’s resident 4D and leader Kim Hyun Joong? Do you like Dara and Jiyong?

If you’re answer is yes, then this fic is for you! Well, the story has just started, but it’s good. It stars Kim Hyun Joong, Dara and Jiyong. Because I’m A Fool is a rated fic by kLeade (she wrote We Meet Again). So if you want to check it out. I’m giving you her prologue.^^

And yeah, it’s rated guys. Read, only if you’re at least 18 years of age. Okay? ^^ Enjoy! More

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