[FanFic] THE EVIL PRINCE part 24

And this is where we say goodbye to the fanfic we all love. This is the last chapter of The evil Prince which was written by huntress2024. I stalked this fic because it was goofy and touching at the same time. And at the end of every chapter you can see your self smiling. It is one of the best fics I’ve read and I seriously praise the writer. It was well written. The best part for me would be the scene where Ji hugged Dara after the bitc* squad threw rotten eggs at her. That part just showed how much Ji loved Dara. It really touched me, the lines he said would really melt a girl’s heart. And so here’s the last chapter, enjoy.^^


Big Bang went out of their hiding place in full chaos, ready to knock YG dead! They look like prehistoric monsters aiming to smash anyone’s skull open. It was like watching an old kung fu movie come to life. Their fists are curled up in balls preparing for a frontal assault. This haunted building should really have some heavy-duty walls because the four retards have gone insane. They are going to obliterate YG!

Dara and GD almost jumped in shock. They gave way to the running Big Bang members who were all going to the main door’s direction. The main door opened and YG entered which almost gave Dara and GD a heart attack.

TOP, YB, Daesung and Seungri: AAAaaaaaHHHHHHHHhhh!!!! <* killing mode>

YG: Stop, you idiots.

TOP, YB, Daesung and Seungri’s murderous fists hang in midair.

YG: I know everything that’s going on here. Who do you think I am? Sheez, you kids have a long way to go before you can outsmart me.

Big Bang and Dara stared at YG in horror. This is the end of them.

Dara: I’m really sorry… <*stared at the floor>

YG: Kwon Jiyong, Dara, I’ve decided that….

GD cut him off. No way is he backing out! He will never give up Dara!

GD: Why do you get to decide?

TOP: Yes he makes the decisions here. He’s the PRE-SI-DENT! <*bulging eyes>

YG: Shut up and listen to me, will you?!

Silence. Finally.

YG: Okay, let’s clear out some things first. I know your plan from the very start. When I went out of the recording studio, I noticed Seungri pushing a button. So I went to the IT department and asked them to control the desktop placed at the waiting room to record your conversations. I also had you followed the whole time. I cut your credit cards and ATMs for a day and I was also the one who swapped your rented cars. I thought you’re going to stop all these craziness if I did that. I even pondered the idea of hiring some guys to ‘kidnap’ Dara and let you guys think that some crazy Jiyong fan did that to remind all of you that Big Bang and 2NE1 are public figures and your every move is being scrutinized.

YG’s revelation drove them completely nuts. He is a DEMON!

YG: But I decided against it, to cut you some slack. Anywayz, I’m here to tell you that I’ve decided to let the two of you have your way…

Dara and GD can’t believe their ears. Meanwhile, the other Big Bang members are jumping gleefully. Mission accomplished indeed!

YG: BUT!!!!!!!!!!

GD: Gahd!!! Here comes the BUT again! I have a strong feeling that we have to say NO to whatever condition that he has!

But GD’s thoughts weren’t able to reach Dara’s mind.

Dara: Anything Mr. President! WE will comply with any of your conditions!

GD: No, we will NOT! Yah, for all you know he might send us to a forsaken country with a forgotten language! I knew him for a long time, he is more VICIOUS than you think! He can sell your internal organs without batting an eyelash! <*angry whisper>

YG: YAH!!! KWON JIYONG! I can hear you, you brat!!

GD: Bleh!

YG: Why, you… <*WHAMMMM – hits GD’s head>

GD: OUUUuuuCCCHHH!!! <*turns to Dara> See????!!!

YG: Now, where was I? Yeah. The condition. I’ll approve of your relationship if you will be able to HIDE it. And when I say HIDE it, it means ABSOLUTELY NOBODY should know about you two. Even the neighbor’s cat shouldn’t know.

Dara: Yes sir!

GD: That’s it?? <*suspicious suspicious>

YG: What do you mean, that’s it?? That’s harder than you think, dimwit! Are you a rookie in the entertainment industry? You know those reporters can sniff a scandal even if they’re just about to happen! I swear, those ba$tards have some kind of supernatural power or something!

GD fell silent.

GD: Hyung, I’m…sorry for breaking your rule. I know you’re just really concerned for our safety and for our careers that’s why you came up with that 3-year agreement. Things just didn’t always work as we plan them to be. But, I’m giving you my word that we will do everything that we can to hide our relationship.

YG nodded. This is the Kwon Jiyong that he raised like his own son. This is actually the first time that Jiyong ‘officially’ break one of his rules so YG knew how strongly he must’ve felt for Dara. He knew how hardworking GD can be, he has seen it a lot of times. It’s fair enough to hand this to him this time.

YG: I’m holding you responsible Jiyong-ah. Take care of Dara. Make sure that her career will not be affected.

YG turns to TOP.

YG: YOU! <*points at TOP> I know why you strongly want Dara and GD to be together! You’re hoping that I will finally lift the rule of all the 2NE1 girls so you can make a move with Park Bom!

GD, Dara, YB, Daesung, Seungri: Eh???! <*shocked>

TOP: Crap <*blushes>

YG: I am NOT lifting up the rule with the rest of 2NE1!

TOP: WHAATT!! That is so unfair!!!

YG: All of you, time to go home. Let’s go. You still have some rehearsals tomorrow.

TOP: But Hyung!!!!!!!!!

GD can’t help but pity TOP. He held Dara’s hand and whispered to her.

GD: Glad I’m not on TOP’s shoes right now <*wink>

Dara: <*nudges GD> Sshh! That’s mean! <*smiles>

GD pulled Dara closed to him

GD: Let’s go Dara pet!

Dara: Pet?? Jeeezz!! I’m now your girlfriend, can you stop calling me your pet? I feel like Gaho!

GD: Nope, Gaho is a dog. You’re my meow meow! Hahahahahaha!!! <*palyfully snuggles Dara’s cheeks>


The next morning, GD is feeling mighty fine. I mean, come on! After one catastrophe after another, Dara is finally his girllllfrriiieennndd!

GD: Ahhh, this is life!! happy.gif

As he walks on the YG corridors going to his GIRLFRIEND’s <*giggle giggle> rehearsal room, he noticed that all the people that walked pass him are eyeing him curiously. Some of them are actually sniggering. What on earth is happening AGAIN?

As soon as he opened the door to the rehearsal room where Big Bang and 2NE1 are, Dara came rushing towards him holding a magazine. GD took one step backwards in fright.

GD: WhooaaHHH! Did she miss me that much?! But we have to be inconspicuous!

Dara: Jiyong!

GD: Yah, people are staring at us. Remember the promise we made with YG! <*whisper>

Dara: People are staring at YOU, you moron! Haven’t you read the magazines??

Dara handed the magazine to GD and the headlines rendered him speechless.

GD: Uh-oh! Here comes the scandal!


GD’s prediction has been correct. Dara’s monthly cyle catapulted him to such negative fame.

GD: <*sigh>

Dara: I’m sorry <*whisper>

GD: Sorry? You think I’ll just let this slip, DARA PET! <*whisper>

Dara: I’m not the one who post that picture, duh!


Dara blushes as she looked around the room. Now she’s pretty sure EVERYONE heard GD. She timidly looked at the floor.

GD: Hey, hey, I’m not mad. Sorry. <*puts his arms around Dara’s shoulders>

At this point, the other 2NE1 members went to them.

Bom: Sooo…Jiyong, you bought Dara’s napkin?

CL: That’s kind of…weird.. What were you two doing yesterday, anyway?

Minji: Unnie, are you and Jiyong-oppa..errmmmm…dating?

GD and Dara’s eyes grew wide. The Big Bang members quickly moved forward to the rescue!!!

Seungri placed his arms on Minji’s shoulders.

Seungri: Yah, maknae! Do you think when both of us go out to eat, it’s considered as dating?

Minji: No.

Seungri: See?

Minji: Well, yeah. I guess you’re right. What was I thinking, hahahahaha!

Seungri: Hahahahhaa <* forced laugh>

YB: Hahahahaha <* awkward laugh>

Daesung: Ehehehehhee <* unsure laugh>

TOP: Ho ho ho ho <* evil laugh>

GD: <*clears his throat> Ehermm…The real problem here is this article. I’m sure Hyun Suk Hyung will spit fire again if he sees this scandal.

Dara: I’ll go to his office now and explain…<*turns around and about to go>

GD grabs Dara’s arm and stopped her

GD: It’s okay hon………. <*gulp>


GD: Hon-chooo!! Hon-choo!! <*faking sneeze in the most awkward way possible>

Bom’s left eyebrow instantly rised up it almost touched the ceiling.

Big BAng: <*almost dying>

2NE1 girls:<*confused>

Dara broke the eerie silence.

Dara: I need to explain this to Sajangnim, otherwise you’ll get scolded.

GD: It’s ok, I’ll explain that to him myself. It’s no big deal. We’ll talk about how we can counter this. Just wait here okay?

GD was about to go out but turned around as if he forgot something. To everyone’s surprise, GD kissed Dara on the cheek. GD, himself, is shocked at what he did. To cover up his mistake, he kissed the other 2NE1 girls one by one. He ended up kissing the other Big Bang members on the cheek as well. Boy, that was the weirdest sight!

GD left the dumbfounded Big Bang boys and 2NE1 girls.


<*crickets *crickets>

TOP: <*cough> We have to go out, too <*MANLY voice>

One by one, the rest of Big Bang kissed 2NE1 (to cover up GD’s mistake) before going out of the rehearsal room. When it’s Seungri’s turn to go out and when he was about to kiss Bom, Bom placed her whole hand on Seungri’s face, much to the poor maknae’s horror.

Seungri: I don’t know anything!! 4l0rvk.png

Bom: I haven’t said anything yet! What is it? What are they keeping from us? What are you hiding? You guys have been acting strangely!

Seungri: I don’t know anything! I don’t know anything!!! <*almost in tears>

Good thing the hyungs came back for Seungri and dragged him away from Bom’s deadly claws.


YG is not at all amused at the article. GD thought YG’s eyes will emit laser beams as he stared sharply at him.


GD covered his ears as YG began his rampage.

GD: I’m sorry, alright! What am I to do? Dara had her period at a very bad time!

YG: I told you whenever you go out in public, do not forget to cover your face!

GD: I panicked! Jeez!

YG:<*breathe in, breathe out> Fine, I’ll let our PR team handle this. Don’t utter a word about this ever again, even on interviews! You careless prick!

GD: Ugh! Hyung, can you please relax! Gahd! You really have to find a girlfriend!

GD smiled dreamily again as soon as he said the G word. He’s been like this since last night. I guess part of being in love is being giddy at the smallest things.

GD: Hyung, you need to be in LoooVVeee!! It’s the most amazing feeling EVAHH!!

YG eyed him with disgust.

YG: You look like a love-smitten puppy! Can you please not do than in front of me? I swear I’m getting goosebumps from all the cheesiness.

GD: Hyung, you have to find yourself a girl and get married soon! You’re getting OLD….

YG: <*death glare since the word OLD is a taboo word for him>

GD:.old.ER. You’re getting oldER, is what I’m saying. <*smiles innocently>

YG: Stop worrying about my lovelife. You have a relationship to HIDE, and this <*points to the article> is not really helping at all!

GD: Aigooo! Fine, hyung. I’ll get going, then. As you said, PR team will take care of this. I still have to meet with Teddy hyung.

YG: Alright.

GD turned around and opened the door. As he was about to leave, he faced YG again and ran to the paging system located at YG’s table. He turned it on and shouted at the top of his lungs:

GD: Hyun Suk Hyung, get a girl and get married! You’re getting OOLLLLDDDDDD!!!!!!!

As soon as he said this, he turned off the switch and ran towards the door like his as$ is on fire while YG was left at the office staring at the door in shock.

YG: AISSSHHHTTT!!!!!!! I’ll get back to you Kwon Jiyong! You will regret this!

YG grabbed his phone, still fuming in anger.

YG: Hello, this is Yang Hyun Suk. About the deal you were talking about regarding Cass Beer CF with Dara and Lee Min Ho…….


That night, on 2NE1’s dorm, Dara phoned GD to check things up. It only took one ring for GD to pick up. Dara smiled inwardly. Patience is really not one of her boyfriend’s virtues. He can’t even pretend to be busy or something.

Dara: Yah, were you waiting for my call?

GD: No, duh.

Dara: <*silence>

GD: Well..ermm..yes. kekekeke

Dara: Then why didn’t you call me first?! You knew I will ask you about how things went with your meeting about the article! Especially after we heard your voice booming all over YG building.

GD: Ha ha ha! That was hilarious isn’t it? You should’ve seen hyung’s face! He was dumbstruck!

Dara: Aigooo, Kwon Jiyong!

GD: Chill out, honey. Everything went well. PR Team will handle the article. Sorry I wasn’t able to call you, I’m a little scared with Bom noona. She’s giving me the looks since morning!

Dara: Well, you can’t blame her. After you kiss us all, including the boys!

GD: Aigoooo!! Can you not remind me of that! My skin crawls by just the mere recollection of that humiliating scene! Anyway, are you at the dorm? Why is it so quiet there?

Dara: Yes, the girls went out for a bit. Anyway, Jiyong-ah…

GD: Hon..Call me hon..<*smiles>

Dara: Argghh! Please, no! Please don’t make me call you THAT! I’m used to calling you jerk, moron, retard, dimwit!

GD: Tsk..

Dara kept on talking but GD is not answering. Sweet heavens! To avoid any fights, Dara unwillingly obliged..

Dara: Uhmmm..Hon…<*blushes>

Still no answer from GD.

Dara: Honey, please don’t be mad. Okay, I’m calling you ‘hon’ from now on. Now, can you please speak?

Still no answer. All she hears is weird noises like someone is running.

Dara: Hon, you’re still not answering my question. You kissed all of us a while ago! How was it? How does it feel to kiss the rest of the girls?

Dara was stomping her feet while asking this. It’s really frustrating but she can’t help but get curious..Well, get ‘jealous’ is the correct term but there’s no way in hell she’s going to admit that! Where is that dimwit ‘honey’ of hers? Did he dive on the pits of hell coz she is surely gonna fetch him from there just to get her questions answered!

Dara is pacing back and forth on the living room while making weird faces. She is wrinkling her nose whenever she remembers something.

She saw when GD even smiled at CL after kissing her! Aigoo!! And he even half-hugged her! Aigoo!!! She doesn’t really want to be jealous, she trust CL and all but CL doesn’t know GD is her boyfriend! Aigoo!! And her boyfriend might be giving the wrong signals! And CL might fall for him! And..And… AIGOOOO!!!!!


Dara almost dropped her phone when she felt that somebody hugged her from behind. She turned her face and the hooded guy gave her a quick peck on the lips then smiled.

GD: How jealous can you get? You didn’t even realize that I’ve been standing on the corner for a while watching you..

Dara: How did you get in here?

GD: A little yellow bird told me what the keycode to your door is…HON-EY! <*smiles>

GD grabbed Dara’s shoulder and forced her to face him. He gently pinched her nose. His girlfriend is just the cutest thing on earth.

Dara: Does that little yellow bird has a name? Did…CL tell you the keycode?

GD: Hmmm… <*rolls eyes>

Dara took a few steps backward. GD better have a good answer coz she is getting really pissed!

Dara: Did CL tell you the code?

GD: well..yes..but..

GD took a few steps forward to grab hold of Dara but Dara took a few steps back again. Jiyong is actually enjoying Dara’s jealous demeanor. It’s fun to see Dara agitated because of other girls.

Dara: Why would she do that? <*steps backward>

GD: Because… <*steps forward>

Dara: Are you sure you didn’t propose on the wrong girl? <*steps backward>

GD: Honey…<*steps forward>

Dara: When did she tell you the keycode? Have you used it before? Were you meeting with CL when we’re not here?

As Dara was about to take another step, she realized she’s already at the wall.

Dara: What the.. When did the wall move forward?

GD planted both of his palms on the wall, entrapping Dara with his arms. He then leaned closer and whispered on her left ear..

GD: I love you..I didn’t propose on the wrong person, I’m not that stoopid.

As Dara was about to bombard him with a thousand questions about the ‘keycode mystery’, GD shut her up as he claimed her lips. He gently caresses her lips with his while encircling her waist with his arms. Dara opened her mouth and GD’s kiss deepened. She entwined her arms on his neck. Dara breathed in GD’s faint manly scent and it’s making her fall for him the second time.

As their lips separate, Dara smiled at him and bit GD’s shoulders. She heard him groan in frustration.

GD: You do realize this is driving me insane, right?

Dara can’t help but giggle at GD’s face. It’s good to know she has that kind of effect on her boyfriend. GD hugged her tightly as he placed his forehead on her shoulders. But first things first, the ‘keycode mystery’. Dara pushed GD and looked at him directly on the eyes. Jiyong must realize they are going to do some SERIOUS talking.

Dara: Yah, about that keycode..

GD: That again?! I was just teasing you. It was TOP hyung who gave me the keycode. You know how resourceful he is.

Dara: <*suspicious> Hmmm fine.. About the kiss with the 2NE1 girls…

GD: Gahd! Dara PET! I did that to cover our relationship! And CL doesn’t even mind coz you knew she grew up abroad. It’s a common custom in France! Why are you getting jealous with CL anyway?

Dara: <*stares at the floor> Because both of you look good together.

GD: <*rolls eyes> People say Seungri and I look good together, should we hook up then?

Dara laughed at GD’s twisted logic. How can she get mad with this handsome fellow? He is so adorable!

The two lovebirds are enjoying each other’s company but little did they know that their happy moments together may be put to an early end…


A week has passed. Dara was taking a break by the garden at the back of the YG Building. She is talking to Hae Jin over the phone. They have no secrets to each other so she told him everything including the incident at the YG event which was all Jin-ah’s plans according to Bom. She was surprised herself that Jin-ah will retort to that kind of method. But, she was even more surprised that Bom was able mobilize some units to protect her! She absolutely has no idea that the volunteers are actually undercover ‘Annihilate Jin-ah Squad’ agents! Dara and Hae Jin were laughing their as$ off! Bom is truly a power to be reckoned with!

Dara: Anyway, oppa. Sorry I got you entangled in the big mess that I created.

Hae Jin: <*sigh> My Park Dara wife was taken yet again! <*dramatic sigh>

Dara: OPPA!

Hae Jin: Yah! I’m joking! Chill out! Kekekekeke!! I’m glad you finally found your match. You’re too big of a headache for me to handle, you gorgeous troublemaker!

Dara: Hahahaha!! Whatever oppa! I’ll talk to you later, I gotta return to the rehearsal room

Hae Jin: Alright, we have to eat dinner sometimes. And bring Jiyong with you. We need to talk so I can enlighten him to what he has gotten himself into and psych him out of your relationship….KIDDING!! Bye!!!

Dara can’t help but shake his head and smile.

Dara: Aigooo, oppa…I know you’re just worried.

As she was about to enter the building, someone blocked her path. Dara was shocked to see who it is. It was none other than the Queen B!tch herself, Jin-ah!!!

Jin-ah was holding what seems to be a draft layout of a magazine. She threw it at Dara’s feet. As soon as she saw her name and GD at the front page of the magazine, Dara immediately picked it up and what she saw scared her out of her senses! The inside article is entitled ‘GD and Dara dating?’ with some pictures of them close to each other.

Jin-ah: You think I’ll just stay quiet? After everything that I went through, there is no way I’m just gonna stay put while you enjoy yourself in the arms of Jiyong!! I will reveal your relationship with him and make sure that your career will be ruined!

Unknown to Jin-ah and Dara, Bom is at the pillar watching them. She was about to fetch Dara since their rehearsal is about to start but when she saw Jin-ah, she immediately hides. She heard everything. Her anger is beyond compare, she is really going to scalp this girl bald!! Bom was about to head towards Jin-ah’s direction when someone placed a hand on her shoulders. She turned around and saw Jiyong.

Bom: Let me go Jiyong. Do you think I’ll be able to just stand here and watch Jin-ah humiliate Dara?? Dara and I have been through a lot and she doesn’t deserve this!

GD: Noona. Let Dara face her own battle. She’s a lot stronger than you think.

Bom flinched at the finality on Jiyong’s voice. Bom and Dara have been through thick and thin. To her, she will always be this sweet, outgoing Ssantoki girl who brightens up her day with just one smile. She won’t let anybody take that smile away from Dara. She clenched her fist as she watched helplessly. Jiyong better be right on stopping her, coz she will raise hell if Jin-ah makes Dara cry one more time.

Jin-ah: Hah! Do you think by blackmailing me, I will just stay put and do nothing?? I will put up a fight until the very end! Jiyong is MINE!! He’s mine and…


Jin-ah’s eyes widen as she put a hand on her left cheek which Dara slapped. She was about to slap her back but Dara was quick to hold her hands. Jin-ah is now shouting insults hysterically at her while crying. To her surprise, Dara hugged her.

Dara: SSsshh..

Dara was gently tapping her back. Jin-ah was confused. She tried to push her but Dara won’t let go.

Jin-ah: YAH! What the hell are you doing?!

Dara: What is it exactly that you want?

Jin-ah was taken aback. Here she is in the enemy’s territory ready to do battle but her enemy is hugging her and asking her what she wants?? What the effing hell is going on?! She heard Dara’s chuckles.

Jin-ah: Why are you laughing?

Dara: You, you’re funny. You came here with your seemingly organized plan but when I asked you what you wanted, you couldn’t answer.

Jin-ah: Will you let go of me??!

Dara: No, if I let you go, you will see my face and you’ll be pissed off again. I wanted to understand where your anger is coming from. Didn’t they say ‘keep your friends close but your enemies closer‘?

Jin-ah: Yah, stupid!! That is a figure of speech, don’t take it literally!

Dara: <*lets Jin-ah go and looked at her face with a bewildered expression> Huh? Is that so? I thought you should hug your enemies to better understand them?

Jin-ah stared at Dara’s innocent and confused combo expression. She found herself laughing. Dara wiped Jin-ah’s tears with her sweater.

Jin-ah: You’re weird.

Dara: And so they say…

Jin-ah: I still hate you, you know.

Dara: I don’t mind. I don’t hate you, you know.

Jin-ah: Aisshhttt!!! Why can’t I be as adorable as you.

Dara: The world still needs your villainous services. <*grins>

Jin-ah and Dara were both laughing at the weirdness of it all. Jin-ah looked at Dara, she now understands a little why Jiyong fell for her. They’re actually quite a match. She knew Dara will be able to neutralize Kwon Leader’s strong personality. Jin-ah actually doesn’t want anything. She knew that GD can’t be hers anymore. Her ego was just hurt that’s why she’s doing these crazy things – to satisfy her pride. But Dara slapped her back to her senses.

Jin-ah: Oh crap! The magazine is already printed! Otokae!

Dara: Don’t bother yourself with it, Jin-ah. We’ll handle it.

Jin-ah looked at her guiltily. She can’t undo what she already did. She apologized to Dara but her apologies will not erase what was already printed on the magazine.

Dara: We will handle it, don’t worry.

Dara held out her hand on a handshake, Jin-ah took it.

Jin-ah: What are we handshaking for? We both knew with the current situation, we can’t be friends

Dara: Then let’s just wish each other a good life. Let’s introduce ourselves again and have a fresh start when we meet each other in the future <*smiles> happy.gif

Jin-ah: A good life for both of us. Until we meet again, Park Sandara <*smiles and bows>

On her way out, she saw GD and Bom behind the pillars. She bowed to them apologetically and they surprisingly smiled back. Jin-ah left the premises with a lighter heart. Her eyes filled with tears but her lips painted with a smile. She has been held captive by her own selfish goal but Dara helped her regain her freedom – in her own weird way, if I may add.

Jiyong was looking at Bom with ‘I-told-you-so’ written on his face.

Bom: Aishht..I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me that you two are in a relationship. Don’t you trust me?

GD: Noona, here’s our agreement with YG….

As GD explained the whole situation to Bom, Dara is still frozen in her spot with her panic-stricken face.


Dara looked at the magazine one more time. Yup, they’re screwed. BIG TIME.


The following day, the city of Seoul is in total disarray. A shocking news greeted the seemingly peaceful day. Forum sites have been clogged and YG official website has to be shut down temporarily due to the outpour of messages.

Dara and GD are facing the door to Yang Hyun Suk’s office. GD is holding Dara’s hand tightly, afraid of letting go. Having her has become a whirlwind dream for him. Dara is squeezing his hands. They were both giving each other strength. GD knocked on YG’s door twice and they heard his voice asking them to enter.

When they opened the door, they were surprised to see 2NE1 and Big Bang inside the President’s office. All of them have a worried look on their face. YG’s face is unreadable. 2NE1 quickly went to Dara’s side while Big Bang pats his back and stayed by GD’s side.

YG: Dara, Jiyong..Given the current situation, you know what this means, don’t you? The condition I gave you has been broken.

GD: Hyung, please give us another chance. We will take care of this matter.

YG: How?

Bom: Sajangnim, let’s just say that this article is fake and are just groundless accusations!

Seungri: I’ll post a picture of me butt-naked!

TOP: I’ll make a scandal greater than this one!

Everyone pitched in some ideas to save the relationship of the two. Dara lowered her head as she was engulfed in her own bitter sobs. GD can’t help but squeeze her hand. He himself is crumbling at the mere thought of them breaking apart.

Dara: Sajangnim, we’re really sorry. We were not able to keep our promise. We will accept whatever decision you make.

The room fell silent. Dara was pulling her hand away from GD but GD won’t let go. Jiyong lowered his cap to hide his face but Dara can clearly see the tears falling from his eyes.

Jiyong wiped his face and resumed his determined stance. He looked straight at YG.

GD: Hyung, I’m really sorry for the trouble I caused but I can’t give up Dara. I’ll quit Big Bang.

Scream of protests filled the air.

TOP: You moron!!! What are you thinking?? I swear, I will strangle you if you quit Big Bang!

YB: Dude, we can still settle things out.

Dara: Jiyong, stop it.

Seungri: HYUUUNGGG!!! What the hell! If you quit, I will cook Gaho! I am not kidding!!!

The boys were engaged in their own heated discusssion while the girls are now all crying and howling like 4-year-old kids. YG shuts his eyes firmly in frustration. He should’ve set up a pre-school rather than an entertainment company. Aigooo, who said he still needs kids at his age? His hands are already full with these little monsters in front of him. dry.gif

YG: All of you, STOPPP!!!!!

Big Bang and 2NE1’s attention are now fully directed at him. YG looked at Dara and GD. GD seems to be really determined to quit Big Bang judging from the way he holds Dara.

YG: <*sigh> Oh heck, what the hell. Jiyong-ah, do you really wanna quit Big Bang?

GD: If you are going to separate Dara and I, then yes.

YG: Then you don’t have to quit Big Bang.

GD’s mouth gaped open, there was an uproar of cheers as 2NE1 hugs Dara and Big Bang hugs GD.

GD: Hyung, about the scandal…

YG: <*sigh> You alone is giving me enough headache to last me a lifetime. I’ve grown immuned to these types of scandals. I could actually give a crash course to JYP and SM on how to handle these kind of things on their artists.

Seungri: Hyung, you mean you’ll be able to handle this?

YG: Yes, I know just what to do with this. I’ll nullify this and shift the attention to someone else.

Daesung: Shift the attention to someone else? To whom?

YG: <*smiles> To me.

Big Bang and 2NE1 looked at their president as if he has gone completely insane. But heck, who cares, another problem solved courtesy of their mighty president!

TOP: Eherrmm, so does this mean everyone of us can also get a girlfriend…

YG: NO. All of you, out of the room!!

Dara and GD immediately ran out of the room while laughing as they were chased by the furious members of their respective groups.

Meanwhile, YG began writing a lengthy post. He apologized for the misunderstanding regarding Dara and GD and began a self-confession of his 9-year relationship with Lee Eun Joo.

YG smiled as he reviews his post. It’s like hitting 2 birds with one stone. He’s quite confident that the article about Dara and GD will fade on his personal revelation. He is also sure that Lee Eun Joo will like his public love confession. Honestly, YG was inspired at GD’s display of courage. He doesn’t see any reason why he should hide his relationship with his girlfriend anymore and GD opened his eyes and gave him strength to do just that – to stand up for the one who captured your heart.


Big Bang and 2NE1 are huddled up at YG Building’s recreational room – which is like a pseudo-apartment with a lot of couch, a kitchen, pool table, entertainment corner, etc. They were having a ball when they found out what YG did to handle Dara and GD’s scandal. They were highly impressed at their president’s wicked ways!

GD: Ugh, I’m hungry because of all these crap thrown at us!

Dara: Worry not, my prince! I shall feed you!

Good thing there’s a kitchen and food supplies at the recreational room. The rest of Big Bang cheered! They were not able to see Bom, CL and Minzy making hand signs at them to warn them about the infamous cooking skills of Dara. The 3 ladies were waving their arms like lunatics but the damn ba$tards are all blinded at the notion of cooked food. Unable to save Big Bang from impending food poisoning, Bom, CL and Minzy came up with their own excuses to go out (to save themselves from Dara’s cooking).

One thing Dara was successful in doing in the kitchen is a very big mess coupled with small fires. 2NE1 learned this the hard way. When they moved to their dorm, Dara happily volunteered herself to cook. Bom actually thought that they were part of Dara’s menu coz Dara almost set their whole dorm on fire! CL looked at the soup that Dara was making and almost puked when she saw the stuffs floating in there. Minzy thought her Dara unnie is making some weird concoction judging from the slimy color of whatever it is she’s mixing.

It seems Big Bang will also learn this the hard way. The moment GD saw Dara’s method of cooking, he knew they’ve made a very big mistake. She chopped the meat in odd shapes as if she’s going to offer it in a weird religious ceremony. The vegetables faced the same fate.

GD: Errm, honey. Can you just fry some porkchops?

Dara: Oh yes, I will! I’m just making some other dishes as well!

GD looked at Dara to make sure she’s not drunk or on drugs. He looked at the butchered vegetables again. What kind of dish will she make, exactly??

Dara finished cooking and was setting up the table. Big Bang’s eyes grew wide at the sight of the food that Dara made. She expects them to eat these odd-looking things?? Is she INSANE?

YB: What the hell is this??? <*whisper> blink.gif

GD: Believe it or not, that’s porkchop <*whisper>

Seungri: I didn’t know porkchop can be so black… <*whisper>

Daesung: With repulsive odor, if I may add <*whisper>

Dara set up another dish again. Heaven knows what it’s called. It’s just weird looking vegetables swimming in a sea of water with chili powder.

Dara: Eat up! I’m actually full since I ate some snacks a while ago.

Daesung: Errmm.. actually noona, I think I’ll pass.. OUCHH!!

GD stepped on Daesung’s foot and glared at him.

Daesung: …or not…Thanks for the food noona!! We’ll eat well!

Dara smiled at them.

Dara: I’ll just bake some muffins for dessert!!

Big Bang: Good heavens, she even baked muffins?!!!!

As soon as Dara was out of earshot, the boys let out their cry of protests to GD.

GD: Guys, Dara prepared these for us so just eat up! You won’t die from eating these food

Seungri: Are you sure, hyung? I’m actually fearing for my life by just looking at these porkchops

GD: Start eating!! She might come back!

TOP: It smells like burnt armpit! wacko.gif

Daesung: It tastes like feet!

GD took a bite and decided the food might really be a potential hazard to their lives. So operation ‘throw-the-food-that-Dara-made’ was mobilized.


Dara loudly placed the tray containing the muffins on the table while Big Bang was busy flushing each dish on the toilet.

Dara: What the hell are you doing??

GD: Uh-oh..

Dara: Kwon Jiyong!

GD walked towards Dara then looked at the muffins that she baked. He picked one and tried to eat it but it was hard as rock! It could split a skull open if you throw it at someone’s head!

GD: Dara we have to talk…

GD and Dara went to the other corner of the room while the other boys are sat at the dining table innocently as if they were just forced to be accessories to the crime. As soon as they reached the corner, the bickering began.

Dara: I can’t believe you were throwing the food that I painstakingly made for you!

GD: I’m sorry but did you try the food that you cooked?? Have you seen the porkchop?? Doesn’t it resemble the coal from the fireplace?

Dara: I just made a slight miscalculation when I was frying the porkchop! And what about the other food that I cooked?

GD: The other dishes looked like some weird chemical used for biological warfare!!

The whole fiasco continued until someone knocked on their door. Dara opened it and was surprised to see YG and Lee Eun Joo standing on the door. Bom, CL and Minzy are behind them.

GD: Hyung!! Eun Joo noona!

YG introduced Eun Joo to Dara. All of them are now gathered in the living door. YG gave them a copy of the magazines that featured his story. Dara and GD’s scandal is now completely erased.

Dara: Sajangnim, thank you for covering up for us. Eun Joo unnie, best wishes to you and Sajangnim.

Eun Joo: I should say the same thing to you and Jiyong. <*smiles> How are both of you, by the way? I didn’t realize Jiyong is now a dependable man!

Dara: Aiggoooo!! Dependable?? Him? He even flushed the food that I prepared in the toilet!

2NE1’s nostrils are getting bigger trying not to laugh. They knew this will happen!

YG: Jiyong-ah, our condition still remains. Both you and Dara should make sure your relationship will not leak to the public. Big Bang and 2NE1, since all of you knew and were very insistent on protecting them, you should do so until the end. Araso?

Big Bang and 2NE1: Yes, Sajangnim.

YG: What is that? <*points at the muffins that Dara baked>

GD: Blueberry ‘fighting‘ muffin.

GD ran outside while laughing, dodging the deathblows from Dara’s fist. They continued running until they were already in front of the YG Building’s shower room.

Dara: I will not cook for you again!

GD stopped running and smiled at Dara.

GD: You will be doing me and my stomach a huge favor if you do that <*smiles>

Dara: HmppHH!!

GD: San…Da….Ra.. happy.gif

Dara: What now??

GD slowly walks closer and lowered his face so that their eyes are on the same level. He then smirks and placed his hand on Dara’s head as if petting her.

GD: Don’t you recognize this place? <*points at the door to his right>

Dara: The shower room? Why?

GD: This is the spot where I claimed you as my pet <*laughs>..You should’ve seen your face, it was priceless! I thought you’re going to scoop my eyes out!

Dara: Yeah, you were weird. I thought you were nuts! Or maybe…you were already enamored by my charms back then! <*wink wink>

GD: Gwaarrrkk!! Puh-leeaazze!! You were covered in samgyetang (chicken ginseng soup), who will fall for you when you’re covered with oils and smells like chicken!

Dara: Hahahaha, yeah. I was quite a horrible sight back then.

Both of them fell silent as they reminisce their first meeting as well as the catastrophes that befall them. They indeed have gone through a lot! Their constant bickering whenever GD insists that Dara should call him master, the kiss mark that GD planted on her when he got drunk, their constant running on the corridors to kill each other, the dramatic reconciliation at the amusement park where Dara almost committed suicide by trying to eat a squid, the sudden appearance of Jin-ah, Dara’s unexpected reunion with Hae Jin, GD’s minion of fangirls ‘rescuing’ Dara from Hae Jin’s apartment, BOMinator almost killing GD, the troublesome meeting at the restaurant with Jin-ah and Hae Jin plus the misunderstanding caused by the ring that GD gave to Jin-ah, the mobilization of Annihilate Jin-ah Squad, the YG Event, the G-Ballz Event, the recent scandal…

Their story has a lot of twists and turns but it’s amazing how they still manage to gravitate towards one another.

GD opened his arms.

GD: Come here Dara pet <*smiles>

Dara jumped towards GD and trapped herself in his tight embrace.

GD: We’re so lucky to have such a nice YG family that supports us.

Dara: Yes we are. Let’s make sure not to disappoint them. You better take good care of me, you know our resident BOMinator shows no mercy!

GD looked at Dara’s eyes.

GD: I love you Dara pet.

Dara: I love you too, master Kwon <*smiles> But you have to eat what I prepare!

GD: I’ll eat whatever you cook…so long as no animals are harmed during your cooking ceremonies. Hahahaha! laugh.gif

And the retarded couple continued goofing around..

Fate indeed has a lot of surprises. But Dara and GD still manage to





I can’t believe I finished a fan fic!! (Just so we’re clear, I haven’t sent PMs yet kekekekeke..IT’s so late here so I need to sleep. )

I started this October 15 of last year.. After almost 6 months, after gaining new friends and after losing some some pounds (thank heavens!), I was finally able to close this story. Some of you might not be satisfied but I started writing just for the heck of it – to have some fun and amuse myself. I’m not particulary forcing myself to stick with any technicalities on writing or what-not. Writing a fan fic should be fun despite the stooopid mistakes that I make. If I wanna get serious with this, I should’ve just written for a living or something. But, again, I was just doing for fun so I hope I was able to relay my enjoyment to all of you. I started with 6 readers, I find it even hilarious that I have a PM list with 6 names on it. Then to my surprise, the PM List started ballooning…Wow, I asked myself ‘these people really read my goofy updates??’

I wrote the story on the fly, no outlines or anything. I don’t even know what will happen on the next chapter!! I know I’m also notorious for sending UBER late PMs…Yeah well, as I always say, things got busy on my offline world – coz I got promoted at work!!! <*throws confetti!!! belated congratulations to me!!>

The highlight of writing this is when everyone of the readers wanted to participate on the Annihilate Jin-ah Squad. Man, my sleeping hours was cut short to give cameo appearance to the long list of names!! And everyone want to have a go at Jin-ah LOLLZZ!!

I sometimes visits the shoutboxes, and I’m really thankful to the readers who recognize me and thanks me for this fic. It’s really flattering and it inspires me to write more.


So is there really a happily ever after? What do you think? To my readers you can thank huntress too by visiting this forum site.^^ Next post would be her new fic. Please wait for it?^^

Thank you for reading here^^.


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. nceldn
    Mar 28, 2011 @ 00:20:15

    thank you for sharing this funny story. good writing. hope to read more of you works someday. London


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